This week has been really busy, with big projects due, report cards, and of course, all sorts of holiday activities. On Wednesday the 3rd and 4th graders put on a holiday choir performance.
This morning there was a big gift parade, where the entire elementary and early childhood schools got together to sing songs and donate gifts. We went up on the stage to sing in the "teacher choir," and we sang as loud as we could for a good hour. After awhile, Santa walked into the building and made his way up to the stage. All of the students brought gifts and got in line to meet with Santa and give him their presents. The gifts went to a local church, which will donate them to needy kids around Escazu. It was neat to see how many presents were donated. The priest from the church came and told everyone how thankful he was and stayed to sing Feliz Navidad. Unfortunately, one of the third graders, who is pretty much the Latin version of Denice the Menace, decided to yank off Santa's beard when he donated his gift. Many of the kids thought it was funny, but the younger ones were really sad about it.
After the performance we had class parties. It was only a half day of school, so the day was pretty much devoted to eating sugary treats and getting hyper (an elementary student's dream day).
Tomorrow we are flying back to California. We have to wake up at 4:30 AM so that we can arrive at the airport 3 hours before our flight. The airport is really busy this time of year, and there are long lines to wait in to pay the fee for exiting the country. We are really looking forward to coming back home!